California Interscholastic Federation (CIF)
Leading the Class
The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) is the governing body for high school athletics in our state. We are proud to partner with CIF, Special Olympics Southern California and the California Department of Education (CDE) to establish an inclusive culture that promotes participation opportunities for student-athletes with disabilities. This partnership enables CIF-member schools to officially implement Unified Sports programming on their respective campuses.
Unified Sports Make a Difference
Our partnership with CIF allows students of all abilities to represent their school through sports.
Unified Sports in CIF Events
Sacramento-Joaquin Section – Has participated in Unified Track and Field at the section level championship meets. The section also consists of various Unified Sport leagues that play soccer and basketball throughout the school year.
North Coast Section – Has participated in Unified Track and Field at the section level championship meets. The section also consists of various Unified Sport leagues that play soccer and basketball throughout the school year.
Central Coast Section – Consists of multiple schools that meet in head-to-head Unified Sport exhibition matches in soccer, basketball, and track & field.
San Francisco Section – Has participated in Unified Track and Field at the section level.