Summer Games Coach and HOD
Job Descriptions
All roles will work together as a team to provide the best possible experience for all Delegation members.
All roles are responsible for ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all athletes, and that each athlete experiences the athletic, physical and social benefits of the Games.
All volunteers are expected to follow the SONorCal Coach Code of Conduct and understand they are representing SONorCal and are role models, when traveling to and from, and while at, the Games, and thus are responsible for conducting themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times.
Any disregard or violation of these responsibilities, or the Coach Code of Conduct, may result in the individual losing his/her coaching privileges.
Assistant Coach
- Registered SONorCal Volunteer (includes current approved Registration and Background Check, and Volunteer Orientation and Protective Behaviors Training).
- At least 16 years of age on the first day of the Games.
- Knowledge of respective sport, including SONorCal and National Governing Body (NGB) Rules.
- Current certification in CSOA or respective sport.
- Available to attend the entire Games, with the Delegation, including travel to and from the Games.
Assistant Coaches will:
- Serve as both a sport-specific assistant coach to the head coach, and as an athlete chaperone for all Games-related activities, including travel to and from the Games.
- Supervise athletes 24 hours a day in cooperation with other Delegation members, including Head Coaches, HODs and Coach/HODs.
- Assist with head counts, bed checks and other safety measures at the direction of the Head Coach, HOD and/or Coach/HOD.
- Oversee the general welfare, safety, health, well-being, and conduct of each athlete under direct supervision.
- Accompany athletes at all times, in case they need provision of medical care and/or need to be transferred to a hospital.
- Be able to supervise, or assist in, the distribution of prescribed medicine to athletes (if appropriate).
- Assist and accompany athletes in participating in other activities, such as Healthy Athletes, Olympic Village, and Saturday Night Activities (Dance, Movie, Quiet Room).
- Ensure athletes always wear credentials, are properly attired for the respective activity, and are in the right place at the right time for special events, including Opening Ceremony.
- Treat athletes, Games Management Team, SONorCal Staff, Volunteers, opponents and competition officials with respect and communicate in a courteous manner.
- Ensure athletes are informed of competition Rules (both SONorCal and NGB) and prepare them prior to competition in accordance with those Rules.
- Ensure athletes can compete in all of their scheduled events, and ensure they report to competition areas on time.
- Ensure that all athletes under their direct supervision understand the Athlete Responsibilities listed below.
Head Coach
- Registered SONorCal Volunteer (includes current approved Registration and Background Check, and Volunteer Orientation and Protective Behaviors Training).
- At least 18 years of age on the first day of the Games.
- Knowledge of respective sport, including SONorCal and National Governing Body (NGB) Rules, along with an understanding of the demands placed on its competitors.
- Current certification in CSOA or respective sport.
- Leadership and motivational abilities.
- Communication, organizational and administrative skills.
- Available to attend the entire Games, with the Delegation, including travel to and from the Games.
- Ability to work with and support athletes of all ability levels within your sport and delegation.
In addition to all responsibilities of an Assistant Coach (listed above), Head Coaches will:
- Oversee Assistant Coaches for their respective sport and Delegation.
- Have with them, at all times, physical copies of athlete medical information, know the provided medical history of all athletes under their supervision, and ensure that prescribed medications are taken at the appropriate times.
- Report all emergencies to the appropriate authorities after taking immediate action to ensure the safety and wellbeing of athletes and other delegation members. Notify SONorCal Staff of any emergencies or incidents related to Delegation members in a timely manner.
- Ensure athletes and Assistant Coaches always wear credentials, are properly attired for the respective activity, and are in the right place at the right time for special events, including Opening Ceremony.
- Attend all coaches’ meetings as scheduled, or send a representative for the Sport and/or Delegation.
- Submit, by deadlines, all scratches and other event-related paperwork (e.g., relay entry forms) to Venue Directors, as required.
- Ensure that during competition, rules are being enforced appropriately and that athletes within your sport and Delegation are being judged fairly.
- Ensure that all athletes under their supervision understand the Athlete Responsibilities listed below.
Head of Delegation (HOD)
- Registered SONorCal Volunteer (includes current approved Registration and Background Check, and Volunteer Orientation and Protective Behaviors Training).
- A least 18 years of age on the first day of the Games.
- Current certification in CSOA or one of the Sports being offered at the Games (currently Bocce, Swimming, Tennis and Track & Field).
- Available to attend the entire Games, including day prior to Delegation arrival (Thursday HOD Meetings not mandatory, but attendance is strongly encouraged).
HODs will:
- Support all members of the Delegation, regardless of sport or team, and be available to Sport Head Coaches for the duration of the Games, including the day prior to Delegation Arrival, and travel to and from the Games.
- Serve as the primary point of contact with Summer Games Directors, SONorCal Staff and Games GMT.
- Actively participate in all HOD meetings prior to Delegation arrival, including Walk Throughs.
- Provide an open line of communication between yourself and all Delegation Sport Head and Assistant Coaches.
- Ensure information provided in HOD Packet and during HOD meetings, including any last-minute information is appropriately distributed to members of the Delegation.
- Receive and distribute Delegation materials, including credentials, t-shirts, parking passes, housing lists, etc., for all Sports within Delegation.
- Ensure room keys work prior to Delegation arrival and work with Housing Desk if needed.
- Meet the Delegation at the arrival location and direct/accompany them to Housing.
- Cooperate and coordinate with medical services (including SONorCal Medical Volunteers) in case a member of the delegation needs provision of medical care and/or needs to be transferred to a hospital, and make sure this person is accompanied by a registered Head Coach or Assistant Coach who is at least 18 years of age.
- Ensure that all members of the delegation adhere to SONorCal Policies and Competition Rules.
- Receive, approve and process “Summer Games Housing Change” forms (see form for instructions), while at the same time, ensuring the current SONorCal Housing and Travel Policy is being followed.
- Assist or assume the responsibilities of any coach within the delegation should they require assistance, or need to leave the Games (sick or injured athlete, other emergency).
- Receive, approve and process “Athlete Release from Homebound Delegation Transportation” forms from Head Coaches for any athletes who will be traveling home separate from their delegation, prior to their departure.
- Ensure that all Delegation members adhere to Codes of Conduct and follow all guidelines and rules of the Games and SONorCal.
- Registered SONorCal Volunteer (includes current approved Registration and Background Check, and Volunteer Orientation and Protective Behaviors Training).
- A least 18 years of age on the first day of the Games.
- Current certification in CSOA or respective sport.
- Knowledge of respective sport, including SONorCal and National Governing Body (NGB) Rules.
- Available to attend the entire Games, including day prior to Delegation arrival (Thursday HOD Meetings not mandatory, but attendance is strongly encouraged).
In addition to assuming all responsibilities of an HOD as well as Head Coach (listed above), Coach/HODs will:
- Register, and be credentialed, for one sport, which they will coach.
- Be required to leave their respective sport as needed to address an issue (medical or other emergency, athlete or coach issue, etc.) at another venue. In this situation, the HOD, before leaving their venue, will:
- Ensure HOD responsibilities take priority over Coach responsibilities.
- Ensure athletes at the Coach/HOD’s respective sport venue have adequate supervision by a fellow Delegation Assistant or Head Coach, another Delegation’s HOD, Coach/HOD, or Head Coach (provided this does not impair that Delegation’s ability to properly supervise its athletes), or SONorCal Staff.
- Ensure that all athletes under their supervision understand the Athlete Responsibilities listed below.
Athlete’s Requirements & Responsibilities
- Registered SONorCal Athlete (includes current approved Application for Participation Form (“Medical”), and any required supplemental forms, on file with SONorCal).
- Able to be away from home, families, school, jobs, and other daily activities for three (3) days and two (2) nights under the supervision of volunteer coaches.
- Independently, or with minimal support, manage the activities and skills of daily living, including changing clothes, toileting, showering, and all personal hygiene.
- Handle a long travel day with other members of the Delegation on provided transportation (bus, minivans or cars).
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship and the ability to function well as part of team, under the direction and supervision of the Coaches and HOD.
- Understand they may removed from the Delegation at any time for failure to adhere to the Athlete Responsibilities, for health or safety reasons, or for reported misconduct.
- Adhere to the Special Olympics Athlete Code of Conduct and the rules of the Games and sport in which they are registered.
Athletes will:
- Abide by the Athlete Code of Conduct.
- Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times when interacting with teammates, opponents, volunteers, spectators, competition officials, GMT, and SONorCal Staff, including refraining from taunting or using profanity.
- Participate honestly and with maximum effort in all preliminary trials and/or finals.
- Be knowledgeable of the existing SONorCal and NGB Rules associated with their sport and be prepared in accordance with those Rules.
- Respect all competition facilities and equipment, as well as housing, dining and other facilities utilized for the Games.
- Act in a way that brings honor and respect to Special Olympics.
Note: Non-Delegation members, such as family members, will not be allowed to travel, house, or enter athlete-only areas with their athlete’s Delegation. No athlete will be released during the Games without prior approval by the HOD AND SONorCal Staff.