Special Olympics Northern California (SONorCal) Summer Games Athlete’s Requirements & Responsibilities
- Registered SONorCal Athlete (includes current approved Application for Participation Form (“Medical”), and any required supplemental forms, on file with SONorCal).
- Able to be away from home, families, school, jobs, and other daily activities for three (3) days and two (2) nights under the supervision of volunteer coaches.
- Independently, or with minimal support, manage the activities and skills of daily living, including changing clothes, toileting, showering, and all personal hygiene.
- Handle a long travel day with other members of the Delegation on provided transportation (bus, minivans or cars).
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship and the ability to function well as part of team, under the direction and supervision of the Coaches and HOD.
- Understand they may removed from the Delegation at any time for failure to adhere to the Athlete Responsibilities, for health or safety reasons, or for reported misconduct.
- Adhere to the Special Olympics Athlete Code of Conduct and the rules of the Games and sport in which they are registered.
Athletes will:
- Abide by the Athlete Code of Conduct.
- Conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times when interacting with teammates, opponents, volunteers, spectators, competition officials, GMT, and SONorCal Staff, including refraining from taunting or using profanity.
- Participate honestly and with maximum effort in all preliminary trials and/or finals.
- Be knowledgeable of the existing SONorCal and NGB Rules associated with their sport and be prepared in accordance with those Rules.
- Respect all competition facilities and equipment, as well as housing, dining and other facilities utilized for the Games.
- Act in a way that brings honor and respect to Special Olympics.
Note: Non-Delegation members, such as family members, will not be allowed to travel, house, or enter athlete-only areas with their athlete’s Delegation. No athlete will be released during the Games without prior approval by the HOD AND SONorCal Staff.