Special Olympics Northern California
Off-Season Sports Training Program Policies and Procedures
The following applies to Special Olympics Northern California (SONorCal) sports teams seeking to continue sports training during the off season of a Special Olympics sport:
- Areas may offer an off-season sports training program only if the area participates in that sport’s regular Special Olympics sport season during the calendar year. The off-season training must be supplemental to, and not a substitute for, regular season training.
- All applicants MUST turn in: completed application, check (if fees will be incurred), facility agreement, and training roster (athletes, coaches and unified partners) during the registration period (see number 4) for that season.
- All funds needed to provide an off-season sports training program, including any applicable facility rental fees (but excluding insurance costs), must be raised by the team/program providing the off-season training.
- All expenses (facility fees) must be paid in FULL with the application during the registration period (see number 4) for that season.
- If funds are not paid in full, training will not take place and monies will be given to SONorCal as a donation to the program.
- Teams must train outside of the regular season and must submit the Off-Season Application to SONorCal at least four weeks prior to the desired off-season start date. Below are the current SONorCal regular sports seasons and off-season training windows.
Sports Season | Regular Season | Off-Season Training Window |
Spring | April – June | July – March |
Summer | July – September | September – June |
Fall | September – December | January – August |
Winter (For Following Year) | January – March | April – December |
- All expenses and revenue will be passed through SONorCal and not administered locally.
- Areas will receive Special Olympics insurance coverage for approved off-season sports training, as applicable.
- Team rosters, listing all athletes, unified partners and coaches must be submitted during the registration period (see number 4) for that season. No Application will be approved unless accompanied by a complete team roster. Additional athletes cannot be added to the roster after the roster has been submitted.
- Head Coaches/Area Directors/Team Managers MUST confirm that all volunteers and athletes on the team roster have a current and complete Special Olympics application on file.
- Volunteers are responsible for recruiting volunteers and securing facilities.
- Off-season sports training will not be included in counties’ training calendars.
- Each off-season sports training MUST be pre-approved by appropriate Special Olympics staff. Submission of a completed application form MUST be turned in during the registration periods (see number 4). Please see office contacts at meet our staff.
Click here for the Off-Season Sports Training Application.