What is a Unified Champion School?
Join an elite group of inclusive schools from around the world
The Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools® program promotes social inclusion by bringing together students with and without intellectual disabilities through sports and other activities.
With sports as the foundation, every Unified Champion School participates in three main components: Unified Sports, Inclusive Youth Leadership, and Whole School Engagement.
Whole School Engagement
Activities that engage a majority of the students and staff on campus to educate and raise awareness. Examples include a Spread the Word pledge campaign, an all-school assembly on inclusion, and more.
Inclusive Youth Leadership
Students with and without intellectual disabilities take on meaningful leadership roles on campus. Examples include inclusive clubs, student councils & committees, and more.
Unified Sports
Students with and without intellectual disabilities participate in a variety of fitness and sports activities alongside one another. Examples included Unified P.E. classes, hosting a Unified Sports competition day, and more.
“The Unified Champion Schools Program benefits everyone on campus by allowing students to be accepted for who they are and celebrated for their own uniqueness.”
Ms. Mattson
Pittsburg High School