Law Enforcement
Torch Run
What is the Law Enforcement Torch Run?
The Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) is an international movement comprised of more than 110,000 law enforcement personnel who choose Special Olympics as their charity of choice. Members of the LETR raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics at events throughout the year — including Tip-A-Cop® fundraisers, Polar Plunge® events, special local fundraisers and the iconic Torch Run itself — and build lifelong friendships with athletes.
As the largest grassroots fundraiser for Special Olympics, the LETR has raised more than $900 million globally and more than $20 million here in Northern California.
Guardians of the Flame
The mission of the Law Enforcement Torch Run® is to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics.
More on LETR for Special Olympics
For me, being a Special Olympics coach and LETR volunteer is the light in the darkness that often surrounds law enforcement.
It reminds me of the reasons many of us became officers – to make an impact in society and protect our most vulnerable citizens.
Lieutenant Jodi Williams
San Jose Police Department