Athlete Leadership Program:
Trainings & Classes
Athlete Leadership Curriculum
The Special Olympics Northern California Athlete Leadership Program provides ongoing training in personal and professional development skills. Athlete Leaders use these skills as ambassadors for Special Olympics and as resources in their daily lives. Our goal is to not only build leaders within our movement, but to help athletes succeed in school, the workplace and in their communities.
Trainings & Classes
To become an Athlete Leader, Special Olympics Northern California athletes MUST attend the Introductory Athlete Leadership Program Courses: Understanding Leadership and Introduction to Leadership.
All athletes with a current Special Olympics Northern California athlete application and a clean record of participation are invited to attend free of charge.
Once the first two courses are completed, Athlete Leaders will be invited to attend regular meetings, receive opportunities for leadership engagement, and be eligible for continuing training sessions.
These meetings, opportunities and training sessions include:
- Athlete Leadership Summit
- Health Messenger Training – healthy habits and health advocacy for people with disabilities
- Global Messenger Training – speech writing and public speaking
- Professional Development Training –
Unified Leadership | Understanding Emotions | Engaging with Others | Managing Time | Leading Discussions - LinkedIn Workshop Training
- Media Training
- And more!