Health Screenings
We provide FREE health screenings & education at select Special Olympics events
Healthy Athletes
Special Olympics Healthy Athletes® partners with local healthcare professionals and students to offer free non-invasive screenings at events and works to provide follow-up referrals if necessary.
Not only do Healthy Athletes screenings benefit the athlete patient, but they also provide a hands-on learning experience for the healthcare professional and/or student.
Did you know LESS THAN 20%
of healthcare professionals are trained to treat
people with intellectual disabilities?
Improving Athlete Health
Eight Screening Disciplines
Special Olympics Northern California offers free screenings in eight different disciplines. Screenings are held at local competitions and events throughout the year.
Fit Feet
Many athletes suffer from foot and ankle pain, or deformities that impair their performance. In fact, up to 50 percent of Special Olympics athletes experience one or more preventable or treatable foot conditions that can affect their sports participation. Fit Feet volunteer podiatrists work with athletes to evaluate problems of the feet, ankles and lower extremity biomechanics.
Clinical Directors
Dr. Tim Dutra, DPM, MS, MHCA
Dr. Dianne Mitchel-Pray
FUNfitness is a physical therapy screening that is designed to assess and improve physical strength, flexibility and balance. The screenings also educate athletes and parents on the importance of staying physically fit and flexible.
Clinical Director
Dr. Brittany Zbin, DPT
Health Promotion
Health Promotion offers health information and advice in the areas of nutrition and hydration, sun safety, bone density, tobacco cessation, and physical fitness. Health Promotion is designed to convey and reinforce key concepts on healthy living and healthy lifestyle choices.
Clinical Director
Melissa Ford Cox
Healthy Hearing
Healthy Hearing provides comprehensive hearing screenings. The main goals are to inform athletes, parents, coaches or caregivers about the detection of possible ear and hearing problems, recommend follow-up as needed, and to advise about the necessity of regular ear and hearing care/screenings.
Clinical Directors
Dr. Courtney Nguyen, Au.D., CCC-A
MedFest offers the physical exam that all athletes need prior to participating in Special Olympics and is led by volunteer physicians, nurses, physician assistants, and medical students.
Clinical Directors
Dr. Gary Chu, MD
Dr. Margaret Lin-Martore, MD
Dr. Anne French, MD
Opening Eyes
The Special Olympics Lions Club International Opening Eyes® program is a vision and eye health screening in partnership with the Lions Club International Foundation. Led by volunteer vision care professionals, Opening Eyes is able to offer prescription eyewear, sunglasses, and sports goggles to Special Olympics athletes free of charge.
Clinical Directors
Dr. Heidi Q.T. Pham-Murphy, OD
Dr. Chelsy Pham, DM/IST
Special Smiles
Special Smiles offers free dental screening, oral health information, and instructions on proper brushing and flossing techniques to Special Olympics athletes. Athletes also receive preventative supplies, such as toothpaste and toothbrushes. Individuals who require follow-up dental services are referred to local oral health professionals.
Clinical Directors
Dr. Allen Wong, DDS, EdD
Lynne Wong, DDS
Jeanine Nordeen, DMD, MPH
Isaac Navarro, DDS
Strong Minds
Strong Minds is an interactive discipline focused on developing adaptive coping skills. Athletes learn about the importance of mental and emotional wellness and receive guidance on ways to release stress, think positive thoughts, and connect with others.
Clinical Director
Lauren Mahakian
Dr. Sheryll Casuga, PsyD
Dr. Foyinsola Bademosi, PsyD
The Need for Healthy Athletes
Healthy Athletes® is critical to the health and well-being of our community. Individuals with intellectual disabilities often face numerous obstacles in maintaining their best health: from cost of services, to barriers in communication, a lack of adapted resources and more.
Healthcare professionals who volunteer with Healthy Athletes have found that Special Olympics athletes are at increased risk of secondary health issues:

- 37% have obvious untreated tooth decay
- 37% need a new eyewear prescription
- 23% have low bone density
- 26% failed a hearing test
- 48% have at least one kind of skin or nail condition
- 59% of adults & 30% of youth athletes are considered overweight or obese
Special Olympics NorCal Health & Wellness
Special Olympics Health is made possible by the Golisano Foundation in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.